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Discussion Guides

Encounters- Woman at the Well

A Study of John | John 4:7-15

July 3-July 9, 2022

What's the thirstiest you have ever been? What was that first drink of water like after thirsting so strongly? Share with the group.

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Encounters- Nicodemus

A Study of John | John 3:1-21

June 26-July 2, 2022

Have you ever had a conversation with someone that changed how you looked at things? Maybe it was a parent or teacher who explained something you'd never understood or a friend who revealed something that shook you. 

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Raising Dead Lazarus

A Study of John | John 11:1-45

June 19-25, 2022

If you could have dinner with someone who has died, who would you choose? Read John 11:1-45. How does Jesus stretch Martha’s faith in John 11:17-27?

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Healing a Blind Man

A Study of John | John 9:1-41

June 12-19, 2022

Tell about a time when you played in the mud as a child. Read John 9:1-7. Describe the scene and the miraculous sign that happens in this passage. What is Jesus’ perspective on the miracle in verse 3?

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Walking on Water

A Study of John | John 6:15-24

June 5-11, 2022

When were you the most afraid around a body of water (pool, lake, river, or ocean)?

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Feeding the 5,000

A Study of John | John 6:1-14

May 29-June 4, 2022

What’s the biggest crowd that you have ever fed? What did you make? What was the hardest part?

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Healing a Crippled Man at Bethesda

A Study of John | John 5:1-15

May 22-28, 2022

Who in your family is the person that researches medical conditions online and tries to diagnose ailments for themselves – and everyone else?

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Healing the Officials Son

A Study of John | John 4:43-54

May 15-21, 2022

How sick do you have to be before you would go to see a doctor? How sick does your child have to be before you would take him/her to the doctor or hospital?

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