Daily Readings

Read Daniel 10-12

Read Daniel 10:1 - 11:1.

Mark words or phrases that indicate Daniel’s distress. How does Daniel draw strength throughout the passage?

Read Daniel 11:2-35.

Note the rise and fall of each successive kingdom (see page 80).

Read Daniel 11:36-44.

How is this king different from those described in 11:2-35What makes him the same? (v 45)

Read Daniel 12:1-13.

How might verses 1-3 provide comfort to Daniel despite the uncertainty he faces in 8-10?

Read Matthew 24:15-31.

Why do you think Jesus references Daniel’s prophecy in this passage? Mark the warnings Jesus gives in verses 23-25.

Daniel 10-12 Outro

All the conflicts described in Daniel 10-12 took place exactly as Daniel described. These prophecies are so specific that many skeptics reject them as written after the fact. It isn’t hard to believe that the God who knows the beginning and the end of all things would reveal these events to Daniel, the man “greatly loved” (Daniel 10:11). Now that we have seen the broad scaled prophecies about the future, let’s turn back to chapter 9 and see what God has in store for the nation of Israel and the coming Messiah. 

Spiritual Battle with Earthly Consequences

What is the most frightening thing you have ever experienced? What made that situation so scary? How did you respond physically and emotionally?

Read Daniel 10:1-14

Why do you think Daniel, who had seen so much in his lifetime, was moved to fast for three weeks? (v. 2)

Daniel is entrusted with an important message. What important message has God entrusted to us? How can we take this message as seriously as Daniel takes the message God gave him?

Read Daniel 12:1-13

Verse 2 is the only time in the Old Testament that the words “everlasting life” appear. What does this tell you about how the book of Daniel anticipates and sets the stage for the New Testament?

Compare Daniel 12:4 and Revelation 22:10. Why are these commands different? What has changed?

Daniel confesses in verse 8 that he didn’t fully understand, but he is told to go on with his life anyway. What are some things in your Christian walk that you don’t understand? How can we help each other persevere in following Christ even when we don’t understand everything we read or everything that is happening around us?