Hours: part-time, salary, 20 hours/week
Start date: To be determined
Leadership responsibilities:
- Minister of Fellowship Fayetteville - be a part of the team that shepherds and cares for the people of Fayetteville
- Discipleship & People Development - help junior high & high school students grow in their love for Jesus & in their discipleship abilities
- Summer Student Discipleship Program (Antioch) – plan & facilitate a summer discipleship program for high school students that fosters growth in knowledge, skill, character, & passion/vision
- Recruiting & Training Leaders – recruit & train Junior High and High School student leaders in ministry to children & families in FayetteKids (birth-6th grade)
- Camps & Events - be a resource to cultivate health among our Fayetteville churches
Primary strengths required:
- Organizational Skills & Problem-Solving
- Ability to evaluate honestly and thoroughly
- Discernment for placing people in the correct roles
- Passion for making sure K-6th graders are learning God’s truths
- Ability to develop leaders
- Strong discipleship skills
- Ability to collaborate with multiple teams