Daily Readings

Read Jeremiah 25:8-14.

Write this reference next to Daniel 9:1-2 in your Bible or in your notes. 

Read Daniel 9:1-10.

Notice the communal nature of the prayer. Put a box around the word “we” and the word “our” each time they appear. 

Read Daniel 9:11-15.

Underline each reference to God. Why does Daniel use these words to describe Him?

Read Daniel 9:16-19.

Circle each request. What is Daniel asking God to do?

Read Daniel 9:1-19.

Pray the entire passage back to God, personalizing it where appropriate. 

Daniel 9:1-19 Outro

Five days of studying, meditating, and praying this passage might have seemed repetitive and even a bit redundant. Yet, consider that Daniel said he fasted for three weeks when he heard from the Lord in Daniel 10:2. When we read the Bible, it should stir within us a spiritual awakening that leads to repentance. When we recognize who we are and who God is, we should be moved to worship Him. Then, when we make our requests, we should expect to see Him answer us. That’s what we will see next as we finish Daniel 9. 

Prayer of Repentance

When you were a kid, did you ever get caught doing something wrong as part of a group? How did you feel when you realized that you had been discovered doing the wrong thing? What happened next? Share with the group.

Read Daniel 9:1-3

Have you ever been reading the Bible and made a realization that changed your life? Share about that experience with the group. Daniel humbled himself before the Lord in preparation to pray. What are some things we can do to humble ourselves before we approach the Lord in prayer?

Read Daniel 9:4-14

How does the character of God described in the passage elicit different confessions from Daniel? What aspects of God’s character move you to pray?

Read Daniel 9:15-19

How does Daniel expect God to answer his prayer? What are Daniel’s final requests in verse 19?

What would the content of your most recent prayers reveal about your heart? How can you align your prayers with the heart of God?

Pray, asking God to hear, to forgive, to pay attention, and to act in specific ways. (Daniel 9:19)