Daily Readings

Read Daniel 4:1-18.

Mark the descriptive words of the tree before its condemnation in verses 11-12.

Mark the verbs describing the destruction of the tree in verses 14-17. 

Read Daniel 4:19-27.

What is the tone of the passage? Summarize in your own words the vision’s meaning. 

Read Daniel 4:28-37.

Underline the verbs in the passage. Note the first-person pronouns (I, me, my) used by Nebuchadnezzar. 

Read Daniel 5:1-16.

Note the different characters in the story. Underline any language of fear, confusion, uncertainty, or anxiety. 

Read Daniel 5:17-31.

Circle the reasons for which judgment has come in the passage. What is the tone of Daniel’s speech to the king? 

Daniel 4 - 5 Outro

Two kings, full of pride and self-glorification, each humbled by the God of Israel. While these men both had it all in the eyes of the world, their failure to give honor to Yahweh cost them everything. Nebuchadnezzar was restored and worshiped God, but Belshazzar met his end. Perhaps it was because Belshazzar failed to learn from his father’s error even though he knew all about it. This week, reflect on the areas of life where you tend to be prideful. How can you commit these areas to God? How can you walk in humility before Him?

God Humbles the Proud

Can you name a time in your life when you went into something overconfidently and later realized it, but it was too late?

Read Daniel 4:28-33

What might the story of Nebuchadnezzar’s humiliation communicate to ancient Israelites living under foreign rule? What warning might it send to those who elevate themselves above God?

Read Daniel 5:1-9, 24-30

What did Belshazzar fail to learn from his father’s mistake? How should these stories inform the way we live today?

Why would it be important for the audience of Daniel’s narrative to see these two stories side-by-side? What is the overarching point that these two stories are making?

Have you seen the principle—God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble—ring true in your life? Explain.

Where do you place your source of confidence? How have you seen your confidence in the God of the Bible strengthened in your life? How can we encourage one another to find our confidence in God?