Daily Readings

Read Daniel 6.

Read Daniel 6:1-9.

Underline words used to describe Daniel’s character. Describe the motivations of the administrators opposing Daniel.

Read Daniel 6:10-15.

How does Daniel respond to the king’s edict? Where does this indicate his loyalties lie? Describe King Darius’ dilemma; notice verse 14.

Read Daniel 6:16-24.

Circle all of the references to God and His actions. How does God resolve Darius’ dilemma?

Read Daniel 6:25-28.

How does Darius respond to the salvation of Daniel?

Read Daniel 3:28-4:3.

Compare and contrast this passage with Daniel 6:25-28. Compare to Esther 8:9-14

Daniel 6 Outro

As we complete the “Court Tales” section of Daniel, what comparisons have you noted with the Esther narrative? How do King Xerxes and Haman compare to King Darius and the satraps of Daniel 6? Take to heart these lessons learned from Esther and Daniel 1-6 because the lens will shift in Daniel 7 from the past to the future. We now turn to the apocalyptic section of this incredible book. 

God Rewards Faithfulness

Do you struggle to celebrate for someone else when they get something that you really wanted for yourself? Have you been disappointed by a friend who couldn’t be happy for you because they were too jealous of your good fortune? Share with the group.

Read Daniel 6:1-15

Why do you think the satraps are jealous of Daniel? To what lengths are they willing to go to bring Daniel down? Do you think Daniel’s private life was “fair game” for these officials? Why or why not? Do you think Daniel could have remained faithful in his prayer life without exposing himself to their plot? Why do you think he didn’t alter his routine?

Read Daniel 6:16-28

Do you remember other characters in the Bible who had sleepless nights like Darius? What do those characters have in common?

According to verse 23, why was Daniel unharmed? Why do you think Darius threw Daniel’s accusers and their families into the lion’s den?

What are some parallels you see between Daniel’s story and the story of Jesus?

When have you experienced God’s peace and presence in the face of a difficult situation? Share with the group.