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Discussion Guides

Foundations for the Future: Parable of the Sower

Foundations | Mark 4:3-20

February 27-March 5, 2022

Read Mark 4:3-8. What is the parable talking about? What does the seed represent? What do the soils represent?

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Blessing for Naomi and for the World

Ruth | Ruth 4:13-22

February 20-26, 2022

What do you know about your family tree? How far back can you trace your ancestry? When you think about your ancestors, what do you feel proud about? What do you not feel so good about?

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The Redeemer

Ruth | Ruth 4:1-12

February 13-19, 2022

Review the basic story of the book of Ruth leading up to chapter 4. Who are the main characters? What has happened that sets the scene for Ruth 4?

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Ruth and Boaz

Ruth | Ruth 2:1-3:18

February 6-12, 2022

Review Ruth 1 before reading chapters 2-3. What is the situation that Naomi and Ruth find themselves in? Where and when do the events of chapters 2 and 3 take place?

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Ruth and Naomi Return

Ruth | Ruth 1:1-18

January 30-February 5

What's the farthest you have ever traveled from home? What it was it like for you to be in a strange place? Were there ever times you felt like an outsider or foreigner? Share with the group.

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God's Heart for the Nations

Jonah | Jonah 4:1-11

January 23-29

How do you express anger? Do you raise your voice or go silent? Do you get angry quickly and relent quickly, or is it a slower process? How has the way you handle anger changed as you have gotten older?

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Repentance and Salvation

Jonah | Jonah 3:1-10

January 16-22

Compare Jonah 3:1-3 with Jonah 1:1-3. What stands out to you? What do you think has changed? Why is the phrase "a second time" significant? Share about a time that God gave you a "second chance."

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Crying Out to God

Jonah | Jonah 2:1-10

January 9-15

How would you characterize Jonah's prayer? Is it hopeful? Desperate? Repentant? What word would you use? What statements in the prayer lead to you choose that description?

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