Daily Readings

Observe the passage and underline any words or phrases that stand out to you. Take note of any nouns or verbs.

Are there any characteristics or qualities about God that you see in these verses? Circle them in the passage. Why might these be significant? 

Notice how Paul prays for the church in this passage. What does this tell us about the church?

What does Paul mean when he prays that "the eyes of your heart may be enlightened"?

In your own words, write out the main idea of this passage. What is Paul trying to communicate?

How do you think Paul wants his readers to respond? What is a specific way you can apply the passage today?

List out five followers of Jesus who you know and pray verses 17-22 over them.

Who Christ is in Us

Can you think of a movie where good came from disastrous circumstances?

It is likely that those receiving Paul’s letter would have been facing difficult circumstances and opposition to their faith. Paul himself was in prison as he wrote this.

Read Ephesians 1:15-23

As Paul was thankful for the Ephesians, who is someone whose love and faith has encouraged you during a difficult time? Thank God for them.

Rather than praying for the Ephesians’ circumstances to change, Paul prays for the Ephesians themselves to be changed. Has there ever been a time when you asked God to change your circumstance, but instead He worked through the circumstance to change you for the better?

How might God be doing a work in your life right now to increase your knowledge of Him and your understanding of the hope we have in Christ?

Consider using Paul’s prayer to close your time together, replacing all the times it says “you” with the name of someone in the group.