Daily Readings

Daily Prayer for This Week

Ephesians 2:1-10

Lord, we thank You for Your great love, kindness, and Your grace that gives us life. We praise You for this gift of grace that saves and transforms. May we, as Your handiwork, walk in the good things You have planned for us today. Amen.

Notice any repeated words, phrases, or themes in this passage. Why might these be significant?

What does this passage reveal to us about God and His purposes? How is God described?

What does it mean to be “God’s handiwork”? How does this change how you view yourself, others, and God?

Write out any questions you have about this passage. What are some conclusions you can draw?

What ideas are emphasized in the passage? In your own words, write out the main idea.

How do you think Paul wants his readers to respond? What is a specific way you can apply this passage today?

Made Alive in Christ

Think of a gift you’ve received that still has special significance to you.

Who gave it to you and why was it special?

Read Ephesians 2:1-10

How do verses 1-3 describe our lives before Christ? How does living according to the “ways of the world” and “following your desires and cravings” leave you feeling “dead” or “deserving of wrath”?

According to verse 4, what motivated God to save us? What has God’s love, mercy, and grace looked like in your life?

Verse 8 refers to our salvation as a gift. What does this gift say about the One giving it? Is this how you typically view God?

How does grace motivate our good works differently than guilt or fear? If we are not saved by good works, but for good works, then what good works do you feel God may have in mind for you to participate in?

End your group time in prayer for one another to be motivated to good works by the grace of God who loves us.