Daily Readings

The King's Anointing

What is the most memorable gift you’ve ever received? What’s something memorable that you’ve given someone else?

Why were the religious leaders so interested in arresting and killing Jesus? What was so provocative about His behavior leading up to Passover?

Why were all the guests so shocked by the woman anointing Jesus? Why do you think she did it? Do you think she had in mind Jesus’ explanation, or did she have some other intention? Why does Jesus see this act as not wasteful but beautiful?

How does Mark contrast the unnamed woman with Jesus’ disciple, Judas? What is Judas’ aim?

This passage brings our attention to things of value. The woman valued Jesus and communicated that through her actions. Judas loved money and showed this through his actions. Where do you find value? Discuss some ways you see that in your choices. What must change in your various social settings (home, work, hobbies, etc.)?