The King's Glory

Thinking of the expression “mountain-top experience,” can you name a time in your life (career, family, hobby, sports) when you had a “mountain-top experience”?

Can you name something you used to love that is now obsolete and irrelevant in our society?

This week’s daily readings reveal that Yahweh intends to unite heaven and earth. God intended this with the Garden of Eden, the Tabernacle, and the Temple. Yet, during the exile period in the Old Testament, the glory of Yahweh departed the Temple and the city, with no biblical account of its return. What expectations would you imagine this created for the ancient Hebrew people?

Jesus’ moment on the mountain demonstrates that He is the glorious return of Yahweh. What is the significance of Elijah and Moses? How does their presence amplify this already dramatic moment? What does the command from the heavens contribute to the moment?

If Jesus is where heaven and earth intersect, what does it mean that He has deputized (Acts 1:8) and empowered (Acts 2:1-4) His disciples to go and represent Him on the earth today? Do you see glory when you see Jesus? Do you see the story of the Bible coming to its crescendo? Do you affirm the witness of the prophets and the Law (as well as the Father)? What do you glory in, if not Jesus? How do you reset your worship (not Sunday morning, but the thing that receives the praise of your life) to Jesus this week?