David's Kindness


As king, David recalled his deep friendship with Jonathan, who died in battle. David committed to honor that friendship with an act of unexpected kindness to a surviving relative of the family of Saul. This unconventional act of grace was extended to a man named Mephibosheth, son of Jonathan, son of Saul, who was lame in both feet.


1. Can you recall a time when someone unexpectedly extended kindness or generosity to you? How did that make you feel, and what impact did it have on how you treated others?

2. Describe Mephibosheth's condition and circumstances. What specific acts of kindness and provisions did David offer him?

3. What was Mephibosheth's initial response to David's offer? How does his acceptance of the invitation impact his life?

4. How is our relationship with God like David’s relationship with Mephibosheth?

5. In your own life, how can you extend kindness and grace to others, even when it may not be expected or deserved?