David's Defining Moment


While Saul was still king, a war broke out between the Israelites and the Philistines. Among the Philistines were some giant men who were also mighty warriors. The greatest of these was an intimidating champion named Goliath who issued a challenge for any Israelite to fight him to determine which army would win the battle.


1. What is your favorite “David vs. Goliath story” where the underdog wins an unexpected victory?

2. How does this passage describe Goliath and his challenge to the Israelites? How did the Israelites, including King Saul, react to Goliath's challenge?

3. David has three key speaking segments in this story which reveal a great deal about his heart and character. What observations can you share from his conversations with the soldiers (verse 26), King Saul (verses 32-37), and Goliath (verses 45-47)?

4. What can we learn from David’s decisions in choosing his armor and weapons to take into battle (verses 38-40)?

5. How can we apply lessons learned from this passage about courage, faith, and the role of God's power?