David's Calling


The first two kings of Israel were hand-selected by the Lord. King Saul was chosen (1 Samuel 8-9) based on his outward appearance which was pleasing to the people. The Lord chose the second king of Israel, King David, based on the qualities He looks for in a leader.


1. Can you think of a time when you had to choose someone for an important task? What factors influenced your decision-making process?

2. According to verse 6, how did the prophet Samuel first perceive Eliab, the oldest son of Jesse? What kingly qualities do you think Samuel saw in Eliab?

3. What does this passage reveal about what God values in a leader? How is His perspective different from that of humanity?

4. In verses 1-3, what can we learn about how God guides the steps of His prophet, Samuel, in this key moment of history? How might this challenge us as we seek to trust and obey the Lord?

5. How does this lesson emphasizing the importance of looking at the heart rather than a person’s outward appearance influence the way we view others? Or the way we view ourselves?