The Exile's Hope

Are you someone who is always thinking about the future, about what's next? Or do you live more in the moment? Or are you someone who thinks a lot about the past? Do you ever wish you were better at thinking ahead, or living in the moment, or remembering the past? Share with the group.

Read 1 Peter 1:3-5 aloud.

What does Peter say about the future of believers? Why does this future give us "a living hope" (v. 3)? What is the inheritance that awaits us?

What are some of the things that Peter says God does for us in verses 3-5?

Read 1 Peter 1:6-9 aloud.

How does the hope described in verses 3-5 impact the way we live in the present? How does it sustain us during trials?

Have you ever experienced something difficult that revealed the authenticity of your faith? How did that experience draw you closer to God? Share with the group.

Read 1 Peter 1:10-12 aloud.

What does Peter say we now know about the prophets and their Old Testament writings? What is the role of the Holy Spirit in this process?

Why is it important that the prophets predicted the sufferings of Christ, followed by his glory? What does that tell us about our own suffering?

Are you experiencing hope for the future, joy in the present, and resting on the sure promises of the past? What would help you experience this hope, joy, and promise more fully? Consider praying 1 Peter 1:8 in first person: "Lord, though I have not seen you, I love you. Thought I do not now see you, I believe in you and rejoice with joy that is inexpressible and filled with glory."