Daily Readings

Day 1

Psalm 19

Ask God to assess your value of His Word and ways. 

Write down a verse to carry with you throughout the day.

Thank God for His Word and its good effects.

Day 4

John 1:1-18

Reflect on how Jesus reveals God and clarifies Scripture.

Day 5

2 Timothy 3

Commit to living and sharing God's Word in love.


Read Psalm 19. Use these questions to help you consider the spiritual rhythm of the Word this week, individually and with others.

• What are the ways God reveals Himself to us in this passage?

• According to this psalm, what benefits come from experiencing God’s Word?

• What good results come from internalizing God’s Word?

• How have you experienced what the psalmist describes with God through His Word?

• What benefits do you hope to gain from engaging in God’s Word?