Daily Readings

Read Daniel 3.

Read Daniel 3:1-7.

Underline the verbs of the passage.

Review verses 2:31-32 and 3:1. How do these two passages relate? 

Read Daniel 3:8-12.

Underline the verbs.

What is taking place in this passage? 

Read Daniel 3:13-18.

Notice the conditional statements (“if-then” statements) in the passage and mark them. What is their significance? 

Read Daniel 3:19-27.

Underline the verbs.

Notice the irony in the passage. 

Read Daniel 3:28-30.

Contrast Nebuchadnezzar’s attitude in 28-29 to that of verse 13. Why do you think the author ended the passage with the announcement of Nebuchadnezzar regarding the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego? 

Daniel 3 Outro

In Daniel 2, there was a statue in a dream. In Daniel 3, it seems Nebuchadnezzar has made that dream a reality. Nebuchadnezzar’s desire to be universally worshiped puts him at odds with the God of the Bible. God’s power to save is put to the test, and God is vindicated. The hint is there in the text in the form of the fourth figure in the furnace: God is with His people in their time of need. This week, look for God’s presence in your life. Where do you see God at work around you?

God Protects His People

Name a time in your life that you had to tell the truth about something even though it would have been easier to lie.

Nebuchadnezzar made a statue of gold and ordered that all people worship it.

Read Daniel 3:12-25

These three followers of Yahweh refused to yield. Why do you think these men were so confident even in the face of such extreme hostility?

Yet again in our passage we see irony on display. The guards of the fiery furnace end up engulfed by it, while those thrown in are preserved. How would this have given courage to the ancient Jewish reader living under foreign oppression? How does it build courage in you today?

What idols of the world are you finding it difficult to stand against? An idol is anything that competes with God for supremacy in your heart and life. What idols of the world must God’s people courageously confront?