Daily Readings

Read Genesis 45:16-24

These verses describe Pharaoh’s newfound graciousness towards God’s people. Keep this passage in mind as you read the final chapters of Esther. How does Pharaoh treat God’s people? 

Read Esther 9:1-19

How do all of God’s people work together to bring about their deliverance?

Read Psalm 27:1-14

This Psalm is often associated with the celebration of Purim. How do the themes of deliverance from enemies in Psalm 27 relate to the story of Esther?

Read Esther 9:20-32

Why is it important for God’s people to remember the events of this story through a yearly feast? Where else in the Old and New Testaments are feasts of remembrance found?

Read Esther 10:1-3

This is the “they all lived happily ever after” ending of the Esther story. What does it tell us about the possibilities of success for God’s people living in exile?

Esther 9-10 Outro

We have seen how the courage of Esther and Mordecai, along with multiple “coincidences,” have led to the downfall of Haman and a new edict, giving the Jewish people the right to self-defense. Though he is never explicitly named, God has worked behind the scenes to bring about the deliverance of His people. It seems like there are too many parallels, too many ironies, and too many “just so” moments for this story to not have a greater author. As you reflectively meditate on the story of Esther, think about your own story. Where can you see the hand of the Author in the circumstances of your life?

Remembering God's Faithfulness

What is your favorite holiday? What traditions are important to your family? Why are they important?

The closing chapters of Esther are all about the great victory of God’s people over their enemies and the institution of a feast. Where else in the Old Testament do we find a feast commemorating God’s victory? What about in the New Testament?

Why is it important to remember God’s victories? In what ways can we practice this as families, community groups, and as a church?