Daily Readings

Underline any words or phrases that stand out to you and circle all people listed.

Note any metaphors or repeated words Paul uses in this passage. Why is this significant?

Are there any descriptions of God in this passage? What does this reveal to us about God and the church?

What is Paul’s main point in these verses? In your own words, summarize the main idea of this passage and share it with someone today.

What does Paul mean when he says “wives submit” and “husbands love”? Why would Paul write this?

What is a spiritual principle you see in this passage? Who is someone you can share that truth with?

What response does Paul seem to desire for his readers? How should you respond today?

Marriage in Christ

What is your favorite love story? What about that story is significant to you?

Read Ephesians 5:21-33

In our passage today, Paul says that the relationship between a husband and wife can be a reflection of Christ’s relationship with the church. How are the ways Jesus loves the church likened to a faithful husband’s love for his wife? What does this teach us about Jesus’ love for us?

How could a husband’s selfless love for his wife reflect the way Jesus relates to the church? How could a wife’s willing submission to her husband reflect the way the church relates to Jesus?

What do you know about the marriage culture in Paul’s day? How might Paul’s message have challenged his culture then? How might it challenge our culture now? 

The word “submission” can carry negative feelings for some. Have you ever seen that term misused or manipulated? How can a husband and wife “submit to one another out of reverence for Christ” while still playing distinct roles in a family? 

Pray for the marriages in your group and in our church to be healthy, reflecting the love of Jesus.