Daily Readings

Observe and underline any nouns or verbs. Who is being described and what are they doing?

Notice what Paul is encouraging the church to do in this passage. Draw a box around any significant or repeated words/phrases you see.

What does this passage reveal to us about God? What does it teach us about the Church?

What do you think Paul’s main point is in this passage? Write out in your own words the main idea of these verses.

Write out any questions you have from this passage. Take some time to prayerfully write out a few answers.

What do verses 11-13 teach us about the Church? Why is unity so important for the Church?

Paul wrote this for his readers, not simply to learn, but to respond with their lives. What is a specific way you can respond to God’s word today?

Unity in the Body of Christ

When working on something important, would you rather work alone or with a group? Why?

Read Ephesians 4:1-16

How does Paul describe a “life worthy of your calling”?

Verses 14-16 make it apparent that Paul is calling us to a communal maturity, not just individual maturity. The end goal is not numerous holy individuals, but one holy community. How does the communal nature of this make it easier? How does it make it harder?

What often divides our small group drawing us back to immaturity? How can we bear with one another in love?

According to verse 12, God provides people to help us in our spiritual journey. Who has played this role in your life? How could you play this role for others?

Considering verse 15, how is speaking the truth in love key to experiencing unity in the Church? How does truth without love lead to division? How does love without truth prevent authentic unity?

Pray for God to grant our small group unity as we pursue maturity in Christ together.