Daily Readings

Make observations. Circle all the people you see and underline what they are doing in the passage.

Draw a star next to any repeated phrases or ideas that you see. What do these repeated ideas communicate about Paul’s purpose?

Observe how this passage describes God. What does it reveal to you? Why is this significant?

Identify a few questions you have from the passage. Where else in the Bible is that question addressed? Write out a few conclusions to your questions.

What does the phrase “dwell in your hearts through faith” mean? Why might this be important?

In your own words, write out the main idea of this passage. Who is someone you can share that main idea with today?

How do you think Paul wants his readers to respond? What is a specific way you can apply this passage today? Pray verses 16-21 over people in your life.

The Love of Christ

Name a relationship that has positively impacted your life. Describe that impact.

Read Ephesians 3:14-21

Considering verse 18, why would we need power to understand God’s love? How would a better understanding of God’s love for us transform us individually? How would it transform us as a community?

Who is someone you desperately want to know and experience God’s love?

Spend extended time in prayer for one another to understand God’s love. This is the most amazing thing we could pray for another human. Consider praying verses 18-21, replacing “you” with a specific person’s name.

Ask God to increase our passion to pray this passage over others consistently and that our passion would match Paul’s.