Daily Readings

Observe and circle any descriptions of God in the passage. What does this reveal to you about God?

Underline any nouns or verbs that you see in these verses. Who is doing what? How are people described?

Put a star next to any repeated words, phrases, or themes in this passage. Why might these be significant?

Identify a few questions you have from the passage. Where else in the Bible is that question addressed? Write out a few conclusions to your questions.

Note how Paul describes the Church in this passage. What do you think it means that “the manifold wisdom of God is being put on display through the church”?

In your own words, write out the main idea of this passage. Why is this important for us?

How do you think Paul wants his readers to respond? What is a specific way you can apply this passage today?

The Mystery of Christ

What’s your favorite movie with a surprising twist at the end?

Read Ephesians 3:1-13

In this case, the word “mystery” doesn’t mean something that no one knows. “Mystery” means something once unknown that is now revealed. According to verse 6, what mystery has been revealed to Paul?

Why do you think Paul was so compelled by this that he would devote his life to making it known even if it caused him suffering?

According to verse 10, the unified Church displays God’s power over the spiritual powers of evil. How does a multiethnic Church united under Christ reveal God’s victory over the “rulers and authorities” that would keep the world divided?

How might we experience opposition by taking up the same gospel mission as Paul, proclaiming that Jesus is bringing all things together?

Who could you share the good news of Jesus with this week?

Pray that we would have confidence to boldly proclaim the good news of Jesus. Pray for our fellow believers and missionaries around the world who are experiencing suffering for their faith on a consistent basis.