Daily Readings

Observe the passage and circle all people listed. How are they described? 

Underline any repeated words, phrases, or themes in this passage. Why might these be significant?

Are there any descriptions of God in this passage? What does this teach us about God?

What does Paul mean by the “dividing wall of hostility”? What does this teach us about Jesus?

What do we learn about Jesus through Paul’s description of Him as “chief cornerstone”? What does this teach us about living in community?

In your own words, write out the main idea of this passage. Why is this significant to us?

How do you think Paul wants his readers to respond? What is a specific way you can apply this passage today?

Made One in Christ

Describe a time when you felt welcomed into a new community (school, job, town, etc). What did people do to help you feel included?

Read Ephesians 2:11-22

In verses 11-12, why were the Gentiles formerly excluded from the people of God? In verses 13-18, what did Jesus accomplish for both the Jews and the Gentiles by His death?

Where do you sense hostility or “walls up” between social, political, ethnic, or religious groups in our world right now or even in your own personal relationships? How could Jesus bring those separate groups together in unity?

In verses 19-21, Paul uses the metaphor of a temple to describe our community of faith. How might our group experience the power and presence of the Spirit if we aligned with our “chief cornerstone”?

Can you think of a person or group of people who feel like “foreigners or strangers” among the people of God? How can we extend God’s invitation to be part of His unified people?

Pray as a group for opportunities to be people of peace to those in need of community and belonging.