Daily Readings

I Am the Resurrection and the Life

Happy Easter!

What are some traditions in your family around Easter? What is your favorite food that you look forward to at Easter?

Read John 11:25. What was the “I AM” statement that Jesus made and what is the concept that He was trying to convey to His listeners?

This story features Jesus at the funeral of a dear friend. Why do you think He is weeping and troubled?

There seems to be a greater purpose behind the death and resurrection of Lazarus. Why do you think this event occurred at this time in the life and ministry of Jesus?

What does it mean for us that Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead?

Why is it important for each of us to answer the question posed in John 11:25? So, what is your answer?

Close your time praising God (aloud) for the miracle of the resurrection and what it means for us.