The Church

Have you ever left a job, club, or other organization under less than ideal circumstances? What was that like for you? If you are comfortable, share about that experience with the group. On the flip-side, have you ever stayed in a difficult situation at a job or other organization? Why did you stay? Share with the group.

Read Ephesians 3:7-13 aloud.

Spend some time understanding the passage. Who is the writer, and to whom is it written? What is the gospel he refers to that he was made a minister of?  What is the mission that he was given (v. 8-9)?

What is the plan of the mystery mentioned in verse 9? (Review Ephesians 3:6.) According to verse 10 what is revealed (or made known) through the church? Who are the rulers and authorities mentioned in this verse?

According to verse 11, how were the eternal purposed of God realized (or accomplished)?

What conclusion can we draw about the nature and purpose of the church from this passage?

Read Ephesians 5:25-27 aloud.

How is the church the "Bride of Christ?" What does Jesus do for the church? How should the church respond?

Close your time together by sharing with your group about your church experiences. How can we work together to help people have a good experience at our church? End your meeting with a time of prayer for our church, the churches of the people in your group, the churches of Fayetteville and Northwest Arkansas, and the global church.