Ruth and Boaz

What was the hardest job you've ever had? What made that job difficult? What is one job you would never want to do? 

Review Ruth 1 before reading chapters 2-3. What is the situation Naomi and Ruth find themselves in? Where and when do the events of chapters 2 and 3 take place? 

This week's session covers a large amount of text. It is a compelling story, so take the time to read Ruth 2-3 aloud. Perhaps, have each person read a paragraph and work your way around the room. 

Now, as a group, recap the story. Retell it together, reconstructing it in your own words.

What do you learn about Ruth from this story? What do you learn about Naomi? About Boaz?

Where do you see kindness in this story? What about obedience? Respect? Where do you see God at work in the story?

What does it mean that Boaz is a redeemer? (Review Leviticus 25:25-34.) How is this concept important in the story?

Close your time together by discussing how the book of Ruth has impacted you so far as you've studied it. What has been odd for you? What has intrigued you? Where do you sense the Lord working in this story and in your own life?