Daily Readings

Crying Out to God

In the past 12 months, what has been a high point and a low point for you? Share with the group. 

Read Jonah 1:17-2:10 aloud.

How would you characterize Jonah's prayer? Is it hopeful? Desperate? Repentant? What word would you use? What statements in the prayer lead to you choose that description?

What does Jonah say about God? What does Jonah say about himself? Where does Jonah note God's sovereignty in his prayers? Where does he highlight God's compassion? How are God's sovereignty and compassion affecting Jonah in this chapter?

Jonah's prayers are all quotations from Psalms. Why do you think Jonah prays Psalms back to God in this desperate situation? What does this tell you about the value of memorizing God's Word? What scriptures do you pray back to God?

What do you make of the writer using the word "vomit" in verse 10? Do you think God is pleased with Jonah at this point in the narrative? 

Have you ever felt like Jonah does in this passage, far from God and trapped in a situation you could not control? When have you seen God rescue you in the past? Is there some area of your life where you need to cry out to God with hope?

Close your time together praying for each other and asking God to meet needs in your group, in your community, and in the world.