Daily Readings

Running from God

Welcome back to community after our holiday break! Share with your group what you did during the holidays.

We are beginning a new study of the book of Jonah. What comes to mind when you think of Jonah? What are the main points of the story as best you can remember them?

Read Jonah 1:1-17

What stands out to you in this short episode? What is significant about Nineveh? About Tarshish? 

Is God's call for Jonah to go and "preach against" Nineveh surprising or expected? Why? What about Jonah's response, is it expected or unexpected?

Compare Jonah's words and actions to those of the captain and the sailors. Do any of the characters in the story do what you would expect them to do? 

Why do you think Jonah is willing to be thrown into the sea in verse 12? What do you make of the sailors' response to what has happened in verse 16?

Where do you see God's sovereignty in this episode? Where do you see His compassion? What is God calling you to do in your life in obedience to what He has shown you about himself through this study so far?