Holiness in Freedom: The Weak

Warm Up

If you find yourself in a dispute, which of the following best describes you?

  • Do your best to convince others you are right.
  • Work to find a compromise.
  • You give in because you hate confrontation.
  • Kindly, agree to disagree.

Have you ever been involved in what seemed, at the time, to be a huge disagreement, only to later realize the issue wasn’t that big of a deal?

Exploring 1 Corinthians 8:1-13

The issue in this passage concerns eating food previously sacrificed to idols. In verses 1-3, is Paul more concerned about the acquisition of knowledge or expressing love to others? How can this principle be readily applied in our lives?

In verses 4-8, what is Paul’s decision on whether one should eat food sacrificed to idols? How does Paul exercise good leadership in this situation?

What is Paul’s warning to those who have a deeper understanding of this issue? What are some stumbling blocks, areas of divisiveness, that Christians encounter today?

1 Corinthians 8-11:1 addresses Christian liberty in various circumstances. What is Paul’s final statement on the exercising of liberty in verse 13? Regarding issues where you have been on the “weak” side, how did you feel toward those who ignored your concerns (values, money, clothing, alcohol, music, lifestyle, etc.)?


Consider areas where you may be strong, or other areas where you may be weak. Are there steps you need to take to make course corrections?

Is it absolutely necessary to “win” every argument, regardless of the cost?


List one or two prayer concerns to share with your group.

Where do you have differences of opinion with others where a measure of restraint is needed? Ask your group to pray for you regarding those areas.