Holiness in Devotion to God
Warm Up
What are some responsibilities or disciplines that you resented as a child but appreciate now? (Practicing a musical instrument, putting things back where they belonged, making your bed and cleaning your room, others?)
Do you remember an instance in life where you learned the importance of acting honorably toward others?
Exploring 1 Corinthians 7:17-24
Paul challenges the Corinthians to be faithful in their walk with God regardless of social status. What does it mean for you to live as a follower of Christ, remaining faithful to God in your current situation?
Read verses 22-24. Paul encourages slaves, as well as free, to glorify God in their present circumstances. (Note: Paul is not endorsing the practice of slavery. See 1 Timothy 1:8-11.) If one’s present circumstance is difficult, how is it possible to glorify God? Can you list examples of people who have done so?
In the book of Philemon, we find the story of Onesimus. He was once a slave, but his newfound relationship with Christ gave him a new position as a “fellow man and brother in the Lord.” What does this tell us about God’s view of us when we are in Christ?
What does Paul mean when he tells the Corinthians that they were “bought at a price; do not become slaves of human beings (verse 23)”? Who purchased us? In our context, what are some ways we become enslaved to others?
List the benefits and blessings of being “in Christ.”
Ask your group for prayers in areas where you feel you are in bondage to anything that keeps you from serving Christ with your whole heart.