Wisdom in Sexuality
Warm Up
Do you remember the first time you were made aware you had “rights?” Share your experience and how others may have helped you understand that certain rights are important.
What are a few beneficial rights? (e.g. – “the right to remain silent.”)
Exploring 1 Corinthians 6:12-20
Paul quotes a popular Corinthian phrase in verse 12, “I have the right to do anything.” How does he counter that phrase twice in this verse? Can the abuse of a right gain mastery over us?
Warren Wiersbe wrote the following: “They (the Corinthians) treated sex as an appetite to be satisfied and not as a gift to be cherished and used carefully.” Just as they were gluttons of food, they were gluttons of improper relationships. When people disregard sexual purity, what are some consequences?
What conclusions do you draw from the questions Paul asked in verses 15-16?
How does being “united with the Lord” make a difference in the life of believers?
Read Genesis 39 and consider Joseph’s circumstances. How did he live out Paul’s exhortation from 1 Corinthians 6:18? How did Joseph honor God through his actions in Genesis 39:12?
How have we been “bought at a price” (verse 20)? How does it make you feel to realize that you are not your own? What affect does this have on your personal choices?
What is Paul’s final command to the Corinthians in this section?
Spend time reflecting on the fact that “we are not our own.” Consider the benefits of abandoning ourselves to God.
List one or two prayer concerns to share with your group.