Personalities and the Cross

Warm Up

Which imaginary superhero was your favorite as a child, and why did you pick that one?

Even superheroes had sidekicks who helped them accomplish their mission; they were a team. Name some of those sidekicks who were indispensable to heroes.

Who have been essential teammates in your life, helping you accomplish tasks and goals?

Have you ever considered the importance of “team” where the church is concerned? How important are relationships and teamwork to the church?

Exploring 1 Corinthians 1:1-17

In verse 2, Paul identified the Corinthian church as “those sanctified in Christ Jesus and called to be his holy people.” Does that description apply to us? If so, how do we live that out practically?

In verse 7, Paul brings up the subject of spiritual gifts which we will explore in more depth later in this study. What do you think your spiritual gifts may be and how does it fit in the context of the church? 

In verses 10-17, Paul addresses a concerning issue in the Corinthian church – division. Have you ever been part of a church struggling with disagreements and discord? Was the ministry of the church negatively affected?

Paul addresses the dangers of personality-driven ministry. What are some pitfalls of emphasizing personalities, rather than God?


What are some ways you can be a more effective teammate (church member), using your spiritual gifts to edify and encourage others?

Identify at least one way you can more purposefully pursue holiness this week.

Engage in conversations where both parties can seek truth together. Don’t argue.


List one or two prayer concerns to share with your group.