Daily Readings

Introduction to 1 Corinthians

Getting to Know One Another

Introduce yourself to the group, providing current information, (family, where you work, etc.); then share an interesting fact that hardly anyone knows about you.

Share the following with the group: Around people I don’t know well, I am often... (choose two)

____ a little shy and uneasy

____ extroverted and confident

____ a little insecure

____ eager to meet new people

____ comfortable

____ curious

____ sometimes too loud

Share Your Story

Share the following with the group. Answer truthfully... except for one. Have the group determine which is false.

A. My favorite pastime as a kid...

B. What I wanted to be when I grew up...

C. My favorite musician/band in high school...

D. My favorite hobby today...

Give a brief overview of your spiritual journey. Include three to four interesting facts about it and how you have seen God work in your life.

Going Deeper

What inspires you about the life of the Apostle Paul?

What do you think the city of Corinth may have been like? What were some challenges Christians living in Corinth may have faced?

What are things you know about the first letter to the Corinthian church?

What are you hoping to learn from the study of 1 Corinthians?

Commit to Pray

Prayer is an essential part of growing together as a group. What is a prayer concern you would like the group to pray for regularly?