The King's Sacrifice
When did you first hear the story of the crucifixion of Jesus? How did you react? How has your understanding of this event changed over the years?
Why do you think Mark includes the detail that Simon of Cyrene was chosen to carry the cross for Jesus? Why do you think Jesus couldn’t carry it? What kind of effect would you imagine this experience had on Simon and his sons (mentioned in the passage)?
This week’s study focused on the passage’s ironic elements. As a group, discuss Mark’s use of irony in the passage. How are the events of Mark 15:37-39 all related? What was happening at that moment?
How has studying and meditating on the sacrifice of Jesus this week impacted you? Share with the group how the Lord has used the crucifixion of Christ in your life.
Read Matthew 16:24. Close your time together with communion. All you need is juice and some crackers or bread. Read Psalm 22 aloud, each person reading two verses until you have read the whole passage. Remember His sacrifice together through communion (1 Corinthians 11:26). Close your time by singing the first verse of “Amazing Grace” (Mark 14:26).