The King's True Identity

Can you think of a famous person who people debate the merits of their popularity, with some finding their fame worthy of their talents and others disagreeing completely?

What would people say about you if you were to ask them point blank: Who am I to you? How would they identify you? What characteristics would they note?

As the Gospel of Mark builds, this fundamental question takes center stage: Who is Jesus? From studying Mark and any external learning you’ve done, what were the various responses to Jesus? In other words, how did the different groups in Israel at the time view Him?

How do different people today answer this question? What are typical responses to Jesus?

What does it mean for Jesus to be the Messiah of Israel? What does it mean for Him to be the Son of Man (Daniel 7:13-14)?

If Jesus is Israel’s Messiah and the true King of the world, what does His radical summons look like for your life this week (Mark 8:34-38)? What needs to be changed, limited, or increased? How can you align your heart (your will) with Jesus as King this week?