David's Final Words


Nearing the end of your life brings an opportunity to reflect on your past and do some soul-searching. This delicate time might also provide room to share your final words. King David spent his final days pondering the blessings of God in his life. He counted his blessings and he shared some of what he learned.


1. If you could write your funny “famous last words” what would they be? Examples:

- “They couldn’t hit an elephant at this distance” John Sedgwick, Union Army General.

- “Turn me over, I am done on this side” Lawrence of Rome.

- “And now a final word from our sponsor” Charles Gussman, radio announcer

2. Read 2 Samuel 23:1-7. In his last words, what insight into leadership does David offer?

3. Read 1 Kings 2:1-4. While on his deathbed, what advice did David offer his son?

4. How do Psalm 78:72 and Acts 13:22 summarize David’s life?

5. What is your biggest takeaway from The Rise and Fall of David series?

Daily Readings