David's Restoration


The foolishness of King David in his sin is contrasted with the courage of Nathan the prophet. Nathan was the agent of the Lord who dared to speak truth to the king while he was wandering far from God. In response to the words of the prophet, King David proved himself to be a man after God’s own heart.


1. Growing up, did you ever have a “come to Jesus” chat with a mentor, teacher, boss, or coach? What did you learn from this intense encounter?

2. Look at verse 1. Who prompted Nathan to confront the king? What can we learn from this?

3. Read verses 1-6. How did Nathan’s story communicate the needed truth to the king?

4. Read verses 7-13. Note the incredible statements that bookend this section. We see both the naming of sin and the acceptance of guilt. How are these critical in repentance?

5. What are some different reactions that David could have offered to Nathan? Why is it important that he reacted the way he did in verse 13? How does this inform Acts 13:22?

6. Read Psalm 51:1-12. Why is it important to have the right attitude in the areas of correction, rebuke, repentance, and confession?

Daily Readings