Joy for Today
1. How does Paul describe his feelings about the Philippian
church in verse 1? Are there brothers and sisters in Christ
whom you feel that way about? How did you get to that point
in your relationship?
2. In verses 2-3, Paul is addressing two people who were in
conflict. What principles of resolving conflict do you see here?
3. Unity in the Church is important. Read John 17:20-23. Why
did Jesus pray for His followers to be in unity? How can we
live in unity with people who are not like us or with whom
we disagree?
4. What does it mean to rejoice? What are some practical ways
you can choose to express joy?
5. In verse 5, what characteristic does Paul say should be evident
in followers of Jesus? What do you think that looks like in
your life? Would others say that you are a gentle, reasonable,
considerate person?