The Exile's Joy

Do you fear physical pain or emotional pain more? Why? What has been your experience dealing with pain so far in your life?

Read 1 Peter 4:12-19 aloud.

What misconception does Peter correct in verse 12? Why are we often surprised when we face difficult circumstances? 

What does verse 13 say our attitude toward suffering should be? What does it mean to participate in the sufferings of Christ? How does suffering align with the concept of being blessed? How can we find joy and purpose in the midst of trials and difficulties?

 In verse 16, Peter suggests that suffering as a Christian is not something to be ashamed of but rather an opportunity to glorify God. How can we shift our perspective on hardships so that we see them as opportunities for God's glory to be revealed? Share about a time that you've experience this in your own life.

What does Peter mean in verse 18 when he mentions judgment beginning with the family of God? How does knowing that God will one day evaluate our lives impact the way we live as believers? How can we ensure that we are faithfully following God's will in our lives?

What are some specific things your group could do to "continue doing good" (v. 19)?

Close your time together by praying verse 19 for each other.