The Exile's Submission

1. Can you remember a situation in your life when you experienced unjust treatment from someone? What emotions did you feel? How did you respond?

2. What situations at work do you struggle with when it comes to submitting to authority?

3. In our passage this week who is the author speaking to? What is the primary imperative?

4. What are examples of suffering for good you have done versus suffering for sin you have committed?

4. What are words/phrases used in the passage that describe how one is to respond to unjust treatment?

5. Under what circumstances is it appropriate to speak up when you experience unjust treatment? How does one speak up while being faithful to this text?

6. In verses 20-21, unjust suffering appears to be a gracious thing that one is called to? What does the author mean by this?

7. How specifically does Christ's model help us when we experience unjust treatment?

8. What does it look like to "entrust ourselves to the One who judges justly"?

9. Do you know someone experiencing unjust treatment that you could pray for right now?