Palm Sunday

Have you ever been to a large celebration or festival that was almost too large for the city/area to manage? This is what Jerusalem would have felt like at the time of the Passover. Jerusalem's population would increase five-fold during the Passover.

Read Mark 14:27-42; 66-72

1. Do you think Peter and the disciples were sincere in declaring to Jesus that they would never fall away or disown Him? We have all made commitments to God where we have fallen short. How does this make you feel?

2. Why did the disciples have trouble staying awake in the Garden of Gethsemane? Jesus alluded to their inability to stay awake by saying, “The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” How is this still true of us?

3. Do you think the exhortation to “watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation” extends further than just the Garden of Gethsemane? If so, how is this illustrated in Peter’s denial of Jesus?

4. What was Peter’s response when he heard the rooster crow? Denying that you don’t know Jesus is big, have you ever had a moment where you realized that you had made a big mistake? What did you do about it?

5. How did Jesus restore and reinstate Peter to leadership? (Read John 21:15–20) Does this give you hope?

For daily scriptures refer people to the Holy Week Devotions.

Daily Readings