The Coming Deliverer

How is the world different today than you imagined it 10 years ago? How is it different from how you thought it would be when you were a child? What do you imagine will be different 10 years from now? How about 20 years from now?

Read Daniel 9:20-23

How is this passage connected to the prayer found in Daniel 9:3-19? How does studying Daniel’s prayer affect your understanding of 9:20-23? What does this passage teach us about God hearing and answering prayers?

Read Daniel 9:24-27

What are the six things this decree will do according to verse 24? Take a moment to talk about each of the six effects and what they mean.

Verse 26 speaks of “an anointed one” (or messiah) being cut off 483 years later. How did Jesus fulfill this prophecy?

Read Matthew 24:15-21

How is this passage connected to Daniel 9? 

So much of human history is covered in these four brief verses! Not every question will be answered in one discussion, but perhaps this study will lead you to further discoveries as you study what the Bible teaches about the future. What has the Lord taught you in this study of Daniel? How will you continue to grow in the areas that Daniel and Esther have challenged you?