God's Sovereign Plan for the Nations

What words would you use to describe the political environment in your country today?

Have you ever asked the question: Where is God in all of this? Maybe it was something going on in the world, or something you were dealing with personally.

Read Daniel 2:26-35

Where does Daniel place the credit for his success in aiding the king? Why is this important? What do you think this would say to the ancient reader, both Babylonian and Jewish?

Read Daniel 7:1-8

When the power-hungry king experiences the vision, he sees a beautiful statue. When Daniel, the man of God, experiences the vision of human kings and kingdoms, he sees hideous beasts. What can we learn from this? How should God’s people view human power? Human kings and kingdoms?

Read Daniel 7:13-14

What is the Son of Man given? Compare this passage with Philippians 2:9-11.

How does knowing that God is ultimately in control and will sum everything up in Jesus (see Ephesians 1:10) as the true King of the Earth (see Matthew 28:20) effect how you will live today in the human kingdom in which you find yourself?