Living in the Body of Christ

What is the oldest article of clothing you have, and why do you keep it?

Read Ephesians 4:17-32

Paul uses the metaphor of clothing to describe our journey of learning to shed the old life and embrace the new. There are certain behaviors we need to “put off” and others we need to “put on” to be appropriately dressed for our new life in Christ. What behaviors does he say to “put off”?

Why would greed, lust, lying, unresolved anger, stealing, laziness, demeaning words, bitterness, hatred, etc. be inappropriate clothing for a child of God? Do any of the mentioned “old ways” of living still have a pattern in your life?

As a group, how have we helped or hurt one another in this process of putting on “the new self”? What commitments to holiness could we make as a group?

According to verse 32, why is forgiveness a defining attribute that we should wear as children of God?

Unity and holiness ought to mark our communities. Does this group motivate you to live more like Jesus? If not, what do we need to change? Pray that God would help this group grow in unity and holiness as we follow Jesus.