For Our Lives

What are some of the rhythms of our city/community that you see (could be positive or negative)?

What are some of the rhythms of your life that you've found most life-giving and most draining?

Read Romans 12:1-2 together from at least 2 translations:

What does Paul mean when he appeals for people to offer their bodies as living sacrifices? How is this an act of worship?

How does the phrase "in view of God's mercies" enhance that offering?

Paul calls us to not be "conformed to the patterns of the world". What does that look like for you?

Paul calls us to be "transformed by the renewing of your mind." What are some practices that have helped you in that process?

How do we know what the will of God is in our lives?

What is one ordinary practice you can implement this week to renew your mind in the Lord?

Where do you see God working around you, and how can you join him in that work?