
Jesus provides two commands in this passage: Take my yoke, and learn from me. This requires something rather simple but incredibly profound: We follow and submit to Him. In what ways is obedience to Jesus difficult for you? What keeps you from following Him? What areas of your life do you feel like you struggle to submit to Jesus?

Jesus promises rest for those who follow Him. Often, we look to things, people, or experiences to provide us with rest and satisfaction in life. Ultimately, we all are looking for value and to know we matter. Yet so often those things over-promise and under-deliver. What, besides Jesus, do you find yourself looking to in life to provide rest and satisfaction for your soul?

Jesus takes the yoke of our brokenness, pain, insecurity, and sin on Himself on the cross, so that we can experience the easy and light yoke of His goodness and grace in the world. How does this effect how you go out and obey and submit to Jesus?