The Bible

What is a book besides the Bible that was formative for you growing up? How did that book impact you? Would you recommend that book to someone today? Why or why not?

Read Acts 2:42-47 aloud.

We call this a "snapshot" of the early church. Review what happened in Acts 1 and the first part of Acts 2. How would you characterize this early Christian community? What was happening among them at this time?

Acts 2:42 says they were devoted to the Apostles' teaching. What do you think the Apostles were teaching? When you look at the rest of the passage (2:42-47) what were the results of this teaching? How were people living differently because of what they were learning about Jesus?

Read Luke 24:44-45.

This is Jesus speaking to His disciples after His resurrection. How do the Old Testament scriptures point ahead to Jesus? Why is this important for us to understand?

What are some ways that people misuse the Bible? What does daily devotion to scripture reading mean? What are some things you could do to create some healthy habits when it comes to spending time reading your Bible? What are some things you could do to make your Bible reading time more productive?

The early church devoted themselves to the Apostles' (Bible) teaching, to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and to prayer. How could we be devoted to daily spiritual exercises? How would our lives be different if read and obeyed the Bible every day?

Daily Readings