Holiness in Marriage and Singleness
Warm Up
What word best describes your disposition?
____ happy
____ serious
____ spontaneous
____ encouraging
____ matter of fact
____ shy
____ contemplative
____ grumpy
____ contentious
____ indifferent
____ other
Think about the following and how it applies to you:
“When I arrive at the place where all that I want is all that God desires for me, it is there that I find true peace and contentment.” - Unknown
Note a few individuals and/or couples, married and single, who have inspired you in their devotion to God.
Exploring 1 Corinthians 7:1-16; 25-40
Sexual immorality was an issue in Corinth and had, evidently, spilled over into the Corinthian church. Our culture has unhealthy views of sexuality, too. What are some ways we can avoid allowing immorality to become acceptable practice?
Paul asserts the importance of intimacy in marriage and the responsibility of both parties in making the relationship healthy. How does intimacy contribute to the emotional health and well-being of a marriage? Note that Paul says that Satan will exploit a relationship devoid of healthy intimacy.
Paul celebrates the blessing of singleness—even pointing out his own present circumstance (verses 8-9). How does he encourage the Corinthians to determine whether they should be married or remain single? Why?
How evident is it in verses 10-16 that Paul is committed to the sanctity of marriage? He acknowledges exceptions for divorce, as Jesus did (Matthew 19:9), but he encourages stability of marriage relationships, even if a believer is married to an unbeliever.
In verses 25-35, how does Paul celebrate the unmarried individual’s devotion to the Lord, while not condemning marriage?
Make a list of the present blessings in your life and thank God for each one. You may discover that things you once considered difficulties have become blessings.
List one or two prayer concerns to share with your group.