Wisdom in Conflict

Warm Up

Recall a dispute you had with a classmate in elementary school. Does it seem as significant to you now as it did back then? Why? Are there disagreements that cause you to lose sleep today that might seem trivial twenty years from now?

What are practical ways you have found to let go of differences and repair relationships with others?

Exploring 1 Corinthians 6:1-11

Discuss the circumstances in verses 1-6. Notice Paul’s series of rhetorical questions. He seems really frustrated with the Corinthians over this issue. Why?

How is our Christian witness diminished when there are lawsuits among believers? How does this affect the reputation of Christ’s church in our community?

What is Paul’s conclusion in verse 7? Is Paul suggesting that it would be better to be wronged than to discredit our witness publicly? Considering this, should we not pursue every avenue possible before taking disputes with other believers to civil courts?

What do verses 9-11 tell us concerning the amazing grace of God? How do these verses connect with the previous rebuke (5:1-2)?

What is the significance of the three words listed in verse 11—washed, sanctified, and justified?

Why is it important to be washed, sanctified, and justified in the name of Jesus and by the Holy Spirit? Is there another name or spirit who can declare us righteous before God? (Note: We are not “made” righteous, but “declared” righteous through the atoning work of Christ.)


Spend time this week considering how God, the Righteous and Holy Judge, has imparted His grace, and mercy to you. Contemplate Romans 8.


List one or two prayer concerns to share with your group.

Is there a believer who has wronged you to whom you need to extend forgiveness?