The Wisdom of Leaders Who Serve

Warm Up

What was the first important responsibility that someone entrusted to you, and how did you do?

Were you ever entrusted with an important task, and you blew it? (Only share the funny ones!)

Exploring 1 Corinthians 4:1-21

Once again, we find Paul addressing the issue of their quarreling. As believers, we are accountable to one another (Matthew 18:15-17; 1 Corinthians 5). What is Paul’s point about not feeling the need to be approved by others?

If a believer is faithfully seeking to follow God, whose approval should matter most? Read 1 Samuel 16:7. What does the Lord tell Samuel concerning God’s perspective?

When it comes to serving others, how important is it that our motivation is pure? What is the result of actions done without the right motives?

In verses 6-13, Paul addresses the pride of the Corinthians that has caused division among them. They boast of the leader they follow while the leader exhibits service and humility. There seems to be a bit of sarcasm in his assessment. How important is it for us to lead (and follow) in a spirit of humility? What are the benefits of a humble spirit? What are the dangers of a prideful spirit?

Paul encourages the Corinthians to imitate his way of life—his good example. Consider Paul’s life and how his priorities changed following his conversion. When you became a follower of Christ, how did your life change?

Our society seems to have a growing disdain for authority. Paul demonstrates in verses 18-21 his God-given authority in dealing with matters of the church. How important is it for the church to be under the guidance of Biblical authority?


How can you demonstrate service to someone in your sphere of influence this week?

Do you need to repent of a spirit of arrogance in any area of your life?


List one or two prayer concerns to share with your group.